Content Management is Vital to Mobile App Success

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by FGarcia on September 2, 2011

Too often, we at BestFit Mobile are presented with developed mobile applications, many from popular brands and enterprise organizations, that have so much potential for success yet fail to meet both company and user expectations. Many of these apps are lacking in basic, but vital functions and features that give users the ability to do things such as share and save data, use GPS coordination and access the massive amount information on the web.

The main reason for all the missed opportunity is because of a need for what is known as a backend, which is essentially a stack of codes that act as the blueprint of an app. When developing a mobile application, a backend provides a source of functionality and support that gives an application the platform it needs to efficiently run any special features of the app and perform any necessary improvements.

A mobile application backend is very much like a content management system for a website. Without it, a rich and enhanced interactive user experience would not be possible. Companies need the app to be able to connect to a web backend server to manage user logins, retrieve user data and more. Sharing information in the cloud is easily done with backends that can connect to third-party APIs and allow access to user and server data.

An app with no backend support is highly limited in use and overall practicality, so it is highly recommended for companies looking to develop a mobile app to first consider an investment in a mobile backend in order to ensure a powerful and solid working app capable of more than just shaking a light saber or emptying a virtual pitcher of beer.

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